Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb, I’m an Indonesian born Muslim. practicing muslimah, and always keep my best to be better muslimah. I consider my self to be a responsible, family oriented, understandable and down to earth person.Not active in specific Muslim group, but keep Islamic principles as my life guide, and always learn to be better Muslim, alhmdulillah. Life must be balance between Duniyah and Akhirat. In socializing, I’m very open minded, love making friends, and joking around. Partying or hanging out at night is not my lifestyle. Travelling, learning languages and culture, listening to music, and cooking are my hobbies. My ideal match is a kind, sincere, genuine, practicing brother, can accept as I am and doesn't bring culture background, race in marriage. Marriage is not about finding the perfect one but to perfect each other, respect and communication are the keys in maintaining it.Marriage is all about worship to Allah SWT.