Bismillah Arahmani Araheem Asalaaam alaikum rahmatuallah wabarakaatu . I'm Simple easy going kind, very respectful like to cook & bake like keeping fit, helping out in my local masjid, I attend a weekly circle and take part in a weekly dawah table plus I'm in the process of learning quran Arabic also I like getting involved in charity events, I'm a pretty new Muslim been so since last year October Alhamdulillah and I take the deen very serious. I'm.looking for someone who's practicing takes this deen serious and wants to leave this land as I am planning to leave, and eventually live in a Muslim land insha'Allah really knows what this life and duniya is about simple really. The Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his wife.”