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Berkeley, CA
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Low Key Convert in San Francisco/Berkeley سان فرانسيسكو منخفض المفتاح معتنق

I've lived in 14 different nations on 4 continents. But SF & Berkeley will always be home. Tranquility is important to me. I'm very easygoing & I value education, kindness, & compassion. I work in a San Francisco museum, but I've also worked with many international heritage projects in Qatar Palestine & Egypt. Islam is very important to me but I'm looking for someone with whom the Din is a natural organic part of life rather than strict fundamental practices. I speak الفصحى & gravitate toward creativity, integrity & benevolence. Ideally, I'd like to find someone who is genuine, kind, & imaginative. لقد عشت في 14 دولة مختلفة في 4 قارات. لكنني في الأصل من سان فرانسيسكو، ومنذ عام 2011 أصبحت بيركلي منزلي. أنا لا أتفق بشكل خاص مع المبادئ الأمريكية، لكن منطقة خليج سان فرانسيسكو هي مكان خاص ومن غير المرجح أن يكون منزلي في أي مكان آخر على وجه الأرض. لأن الملجأ الذي أعيشه هنا من غير المرجح أن يحدث في أي مكان آخر. الهدوء مهم بالنسبة لي. أنا يسير ولكنني أقدر أيضًا التعليم واللطف والرحمة. أكثر من أي شيء آخر، أود أن أجد شخصًا طيبًا ومحبًا وصادقًا ومستقرًا أعمل في علم المتاحف في سان فرانسيسكو ولكني شاركت في العديد من مشاريع التراث العالمي، خاصة في فلسطين وقطر ومصر. الإسلام مهم جدا بالنسبة لي ولكني لا أبحث عن شخص صارم بشكل لا يصدق مع الدين ولكن بدلا من ذلك يشعر بأنه طبيعي مع الممارسات ويعتبرها جزءا عضويا من الحياة اليومية. أبحث عن شخص يفهم أن لدي حياتي الخاصة، ولكنه قادر أيضًا على مشاركة أشياء جديدة معي. ومن الناحية المثالية، أود أن أجد شخصًا يتمتع بالنزاهة ويكون لطيفًا ومبدعًا

5'  2"   (157 cm)
Family Roots
Mixed Race
My Lifestyle
Has Kids
Wants Kids
Doctoral Degree
Design / Visual / Graphic Arts
$60,000 - $75,000
What languages do you speak?
English, Arabic, French, Italian
Favorite Artists
Shafik Radwan, Laila Ajjawi, Manal Deeb, Chris Gazaleh, Sliman Mansour
Favorite Authors
Gyasi Ross, Edward Siad, Mahmoud Darwish, Susan Abulhawa, Ghassan Kanafani
Favorite Books
Subjective Atlas of Palestine - De Vet, When Asia Was the World, The Art of Palestinian Embroidery, Don't Know Much About Indians - Ross
Favorite Cities
Jenin, Beit Sahour, Jericho, Ramle, Amman, Chefchaouen, Jubayl San Francisco, Berkeley, Paris, Vancouver, Montreal, Reykjavík, Palermo, Cagliari, Aiacciu
Favorite Colors
Turquoise, Blue, Sea Green
Favorite Country
Palestine, France, Iceland, Cyprus
Favorite Sports Teams
Palestine National Football Team
Favorite Sports
snowboarding, hockey, soccer/football (EU), gymnastics, ice skating
Favorite Foods
Shiro, NYC Pizza, Veggie Kabobs
All animals, but especially Polar Bears, Cats, Tortoises,
Palestinian art, Native American art, Islamic Calligraffiti, street murals, Arab female contemporary art, Art Nouveau, graphic design, textural sculptures, ink/acrylic and ink/oil
I'm fascinated by Astronomy. I own a telescope.
Camping is really not something I've ever become interested in.
I love kids. I volunteer at a children's museum. I don't have any children but with the right person, I'd like to have a family.
Community Service
I've been involved in international non-profits and humanitarian aid
I draw regularly, primarily with ink, graphite, and charcoal
I try to regularly exercise, at least twice a week if not more
Arab/Middle Eastern, Persian, Ethiopian, Italian, NYC pizza
I do love the internet. I work from home much of the time so I'm frequently online
I actually had a good friend who became an MD, and I helped them study throughout med school so I actually know quite a bit about certain medicines
Baraka, Samsara, Palestinian film, independent documentaries
I don't paint as much as I draw, but I do dabble in ink/acrylic from time to time.
I enjoy photo, I especially like travel photography.
I read regularly. It seems to be a dying habit, but I love books.
I've studied Islam extensively. I also spent time studying other religions - including other Eastern religions, and I spent time practicing Native American religion when I was younger.
I like snowboarding. I'm not very good, but it's my favorite of the winter sports.
I like watching soccer - I'm particularly proud of the Palestinian team
I lived in Beit Sahour, Ramallah, Qalqilya, Amman, Paris, Copenhagen, Malmo, Stockholm, Zurich, Brussels, London, Edinburgh, Singapore, Brisbane, Auckland, and Vancouver from 2004-2010. During that time I traveled to more than 30 other individual nations and over 100 cities on 5 continents. I still love to travel, but I'm more particular about where and when I travel. My most favorite place to be is the Mediterranean in the winter and Canada or Iceland in the summer.
I'm a writer. Mainly for academia, but I've also made some contributions to various news outlets over the years.
Adventurousness Somewhat Daring
Affectionateness Somewhat Doting
Trustingness Somewhat Skeptical
Confidence Somewhat Confident
Mood Carefree, Chill
Sociability Average
Thought Process Very Artistic
Tolerance Average
Energy Somewhat Low
Neatness Not Too Neat
Punctuality Often Early
Spending Average
Work Ethic Average
Describe your perfect weekend.
The perfect weekend just involves the right spark of curiosity with the right person. Meeting someone with whom I have a strong connection on Saturday morning and spending the day talking over coffee lunch, and/or dinner, then driving to Mt. Tam, Glass Beach....or just exploring nearby
How many kids would you like to have?
I'd like at least two - ideally a girl and a boy
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
Appearance is definitely secondary to spiritual, emotional, and intellectual connection.
What is the purpose of marriage?
To share and expand who you are, to strengthen a bond, and provide a foundation
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
That time passes by very quickly once you're no longer a kid and to make every moment meaningful as a result
What do your friends like about you most?
I try to be someone who listens before talking, I remember things they say and try to be a trustworthy confidant
What gets on your nerves?
Arrogance, narcissism, and those days when I drop everything I touch
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Trust, Kindness, and Tolerance
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
I'd like to think that I'll have a family of my own, that I'll have had the opportunity to travel to a few key places I've yet to visit, that I'll be stable enough to contribute more to international aid, and just generally have grown and learned with meaningful experiences.
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