As salaamu alikaum dear believeing sister: Our Holy Nabi(saw) is reported to have said," a person chooses a mate based on one or more of the following criteria, beauty, wealth, family heritage and din, and the best criteria is din". This is reported as sahih by both Imams Bukhari and Muslim(ra). I am a haji of the 2000 hajj group, currently living in Worchester MA. I believe that marriage is half of din and mutually striving for a happy marriage is the closest to jinna we can get in this lifetime. I seek a believing woman for whom jinna is unmatched and a thing she strives for daily. If(inshallah) you desire to meet, please feel-free to contact me. your brother in Islam hajiabdl-haqq Looking For: What I seek is a sister who loves Allah(az wajal), His Messenger(saw) and the muslims. Someone who is willing to strive-hard in marriage, love and life to please Allah(ta ala). Someone not "self-absorbed" and realizes the wisdom in the prophet's(saw) saying "hated in the sight of Allah(ta ala) is the person who argues ardently". Someone who realizes that struggling together out-weighes struggling singularly immeasurably. Someone NOT afraid of loving her husband romantically as well as fi-sibil-lah(for Allah's sake). Someone not stingy with her emotions. If you desire to meet, please contact me, inshallah. your brother in Islam hajiabdl-haqq