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CaptureApproximately a quarter of women are victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives. Although anyone can be a subject of domestic violence, it is usually women by men. 'Domestic violence' is a term that can be used to describe not only violence in the home but between family members, partners, in-laws and many other relations. Many people assume that domestic violence is a term used only for abuse of a physical nature. This is not true; domestic violence is a term utilized for all types including mental abuse. In the UK, two women are killed by their partner (or ex-partner) every week. What kind of world do we live in if being in 'love' costs us our lives? Verbal, physical, psychological, sexual, financial and emotional manipulation are all types of abuse that are categories of domestic violence. Abusers carry out a series of patterned behaviour with a goal to control someone's mind, action or emotions within an intimate relationship. While physical abuse causes a direct threat and causes the victim to feel fear, another form of abuse (e.g. emotional) also induce fear and affects the victim's mind leading to equally damaging outcomes. Non-physical abuse is when a person controls another person's behavior, this is known as coercive power. Such an action is a violation of someone's human rights as it removes their free will, which amounts to oppression. Regardless of the situation or circumstances abuse is prohibited in Islam. The view of oppression is very clear in Islam. Also, the Quran clearly states, "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women". So, how can a person that brings harm to a woman believe their behavior to be what Allah wished for? The word 'protection' should not be confused with or connected with 'control'. A person was wanting to protect someone can do so without controlling him or her. Also, Allah stated that all women should get to keep what they have earnt. Partners, relatives nor friends have the right to take a wife's earnings either directly or through manipulation. While financial abuse can also be committed in many ways; it is mainly done so through removing another person's financial security. Emotional and verbal abuse are common types of torture that women face often. It's common for men to abuse publicly verbally their wife or partner in a public place. As a result, a woman's confidence and self-esteem can be left in tatters. Such behavior goes against Allah's wishes. It's important to remember not to accept a man's rationalization of the abuse by claiming that it is a part of Islam. This is not true. The different types of damage listed above are not and will never be condoned in Islam. In Islam men are taught to treat their wives with respect, be kind and grant forgiveness. Those that attempt to justify their behavior using Islam are completely wrong. Remember, regardless of how much success a person has in controlling their wives, it is Allah who has the ultimate power.
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