I’m a down to earth, involved, passionate and constructive Muslim. I’m a mover and shaker, I dream big and I work towards my dreams. I am not money driven, I’m success driven so the money will come with success insha'allah. Likewise in a relationship, it’s not about being perfect but having the true intension to put in the bit of work that’s needed in order to achieve your ideal long turn relationship; and Allah will do everything else. A woman of substance, patience, virtue and an intension to grow in wisdom of Deen and other world issues. You don’t have to be supper educated but if you are, it’s a plus and I will support you in furthering your education if you wish, inshaallah. I for one believe that education can really change quality of life. So inshaallah, you and I will not get educated just to enrich ourselves but to use it for the good of the people and Deen, inshaallah.I believe that marriage is a very sensitive stage to reach; “it’s essentially the joining of two worlds”, so both parties have to really be considerate and realistic when addressing each other in this regard. I would like to ask that we simply don’t talk on the basses of what you like or don’t like only, but let’s work with character and a true reflection of what type of journey are you looking to embark on henceforth.