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[caption id="attachment_1941" align="alignright" width="300"]Ekran Alıntısı Jalebi[/caption] You want to try cooking Jalebi. You will need the following ingredients: - Two cups of self-raising flour - Half a tsp of baking powder - One cup of yogurt - Sunflower cooking oil - One cup of sugar - Just a few strands saffron - A quarter tsp of cardamom powder - Two drops of orange food coloring - Two tbsp of rose water To start off, prepare the batter: Do so by simply mixing the flour, baking powder, and yogurt so that it forms a batter. This needs to stand for 24 hours to ferment. It's best to pour the batter into a 'squeeze bottle,' as this will be easier to use the following day. Next, is the syrup preparation: Firstly, melt the sugar with the rose water and bring to the boil so that you have one thread consistency. To check, dip the tip of your index finger into the syrup, touch your finger and thumb and then separate them. If a thread forms between your two fingers, then the syrup is ready. Turn off the heat, and add saffron and cardamom, stirring well. Next, heat your oil in a deep saucepan, once it is hot enough, hold the squeeze bottle over the oil and squeeze the batter into the oil. Do this to form a coiled, circular shape. You can squeeze a few of these into the pan at a time. Simply fry then until they are golden brown and place into the syrup to soak for at least two minutes, and remove. They are delicious and are best served warm. [caption id="attachment_1942" align="alignright" width="300"]Ekran Alıntısı A bowl of savaiya for Eid[/caption] Savaiya is another favorite dessert, which I am sure you will enjoy making. There are only a few ingredients that you will need: - One packet of savaiya (crush the savaiya before using) - One tbsp. of cooking oil - Cardamom seeds Start off by boiling 2 – 4 cups of water. Then add a tbsp of cooking oil in a tall pot, and turn on to medium heat. Next, you can add the cardamom seeds and the crushed savaiya. Stir the contents from time to time, so as not to let the savaiya burn, but just enough that it 'toasts' in the oil. You can add sweetener to taste if you need to. Stir once again and add another two cups of water. Just make sure that you add carefully, and your savaiya is not too soggy. Once it's done, the water should have soaked up nicely, and its ready to serve with a warm drink.
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