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In their own words

A down to earth, passionate and constructive Muslim brother.

I’m a down to earth, involved, passionate and constructive Muslim. I’m a mover and shaker, I dream big and I work towards my dreams. I am not money driven, I’m success driven so the money will come with success insha'allah. Likewise in a relationship, it’s not about being perfect but having the true intension to put in the bit of work that’s needed in order to achieve your ideal long turn relationship; and Allah will do everything else. A woman of substance, patience, virtue and an intension to grow in wisdom of Deen and other world issues. You don’t have to be supper educated but if you are, it’s a plus and I will support you in furthering your education if you wish, inshaallah. I for one believe that education can really change quality of life. So inshaallah, you and I will not get educated just to enrich ourselves but to use it for the good of the people and Deen, inshaallah.I believe that marriage is a very sensitive stage to reach; “it’s essentially the joining of two worlds”, so both parties have to really be considerate and realistic when addressing each other in this regard. I would like to ask that we simply don’t talk on the basses of what you like or don’t like only, but let’s work with character and a true reflection of what type of journey are you looking to embark on henceforth.

5'  9"   (175 cm)
Family Roots
South African
Black / African descent
My Lifestyle
Has Kids
Wants Kids
Some College
Technical Science / Engineering
I'll tell you later
What languages do you speak?
Adventurousness Somewhat Cautious
Affectionateness Somewhat Doting
Trustingness Average
Confidence Somewhat Confident
Mood Average
Sociability Somewhat Introverted
Thought Process Somewhat Analytical
Tolerance Average
Energy Somewhat High
Neatness Super Neat
Punctuality Often Early
Spending Average
Work Ethic Driven
How many kids would you like to have?
2 or more inshaallah
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
Yes. Just be easy on the eyes, inshaallah someone I can look at and be satisfied with. I’m sure that does not mean you have to look abnormal/ no need to look drop dead beautiful. I don’t want to die when I see you. But if you are drop dead beautiful, just take it easy on me and cover up inshaallha. At the least, let me die a happy married man, don’t kill me before that please.
What is the purpose of marriage?
it’s a natural stage that we get to, were we feel it ourselves that the time has come to complete our Deen. It’s something special, a joining with the persons whom Allah has selected for you and delivers to you, Inshallah. And by deliver to you, we are not talking about the one you like because his hair is nice or the his car is sitting on 22inch rims; no! Allah does not work in that why sisters. We are talking Deen, we are talking personality, we are talking about his outlook on life, we are talking about conduct, we are talking about his intensions in his life and how all of that will affect you in the future. And by the sister, we as brothers we question the same about you. I think marriage is a beautiful gift from Allah. Just to add on, if i may; I feel I need a person who as much as she is light hearted, has a sense of hummer and likes this and that (no problem); but you need to be a strong, kind, confident (not into yourself/ or boastful), modest, homely who understand and appreciate the importance of keeping a well balance home and relationship. I don’t mind if you want to work for as long as you don’t compromise our marriage or Deen, “Wallahi”, I don’t mind if you want to be a house wife for as long as you are prepared to take on the responsibilities ether way. For example, if you expect to be at home the doing nothing, not taking pride in the cleanliness of your house/ home, not taking pride in the cleanliness of yours/ your husband’s or your children’s cleanliness, you are not using whatever level of education to perhaps help your husband in his affairs (just a thought to advice the man in his efforts), you are not meeting with other woman and helping the community along with fulfilling your duties at home…… then my sister you are planning not to be my wife. I would rather come home to a modestly beautiful and humble comfortable housewife, who has prepared a comfortable home for us, a decent plate of food, has maintained herself for me, has learned one or two subject on our Deen, she talks to me from her heart then come home to a drop dead woman who will kill me slowly. Inshaallah, that is you. By the way, I don’t ever want to be divorced.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
Allah is the best of planers, be patient even when it’s difficult. Allah is doing what he has planned. Stop resisting. I can not change everything and that witch I can not change was not meant for me to change. IE: let it go dear boy, trust in Allah and all shall be well.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Unity, openness, friendship of husband and wife, peace, being able to disagree modestly and agree to disagree if need be, to have the better interest of one and other, to respect one and other and to be the keepers of each other and each other’s families in prayers. Be honest and patient.
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
They say if you want to make Allah laugh, tell him about your plans. I have dreams that I work on daily. But we can talk further about that when the time comes, inshaallah.
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